Marketing SEO

Marketing Campaigns to Re-Engage Old Audience

Most marketing campaigns revolve around the conventional sales funnel, which consists of the steps required to turn a lead into a customer. Depending on what you’re selling, the processes inside this can vary from easy to complex. However, one thing that all conventional sales funnels have in common is that the initiative and tactics usually end until the conversion happens and the lead becomes a customer.

It’s a big mistake to ignore your current customers. It costs five times as much to acquire a new customer as it does to keep a current one. You’ve worked hard to draw them to your company and persuade them to choose your product over a competitor’s. You must now concentrate on ensuring that they return.

Marketing Campaign - Smart Advertisement

So, how do you keep your customers coming back for more? Try one of our best tactics mentioned below:

1. Get the Most of a Google Display Ads Campaign

The Display Network is excellent for reminding consumers that you are still there. Brand images that are relevant to the product perform well on the Display Network. Using consumer segmentation, you can show lapsed customers related items that might be of interest to them based on previous purchases. For example, if you sell kitchen appliances, a customer who has previously purchased a kettle from you may want to purchase the matching toaster. Furthermore, these advertisements are more successful when they are put on related websites. Returning to the appliance example, you might want to position your ads on sites about kitchens, food, and cooking.

2. Email for Discount Offer

Sending an email is a fast and easy way to contact an old customer. You can use the point-of-sale device to recognise customers who haven’t bought anything in a while. Alternatively, if you don’t have a POS system but have your customers’ email addresses in your database, you can segment your list based on customers that haven’t communicated with your emails in a while.

The trick to writing a re-engagement email is to concentrate on “What’s in it for me?” This should be included in the subject line to catch their attention before they open the email. Typically, offering a discount is successful, especially if the discount is substantial. For example, if you usually give 10% off, consider will this to 20% off for lapsed customers.

3. Facebook Custom Audiences

You can export your email system’s customer details and upload it to Facebook to build a custom audience. Do this for lapsed consumer data so you can launch a retargeting strategy aimed at re-engaging them. Using a custom group is critical because the customers have possibly dropped out of your funnel because they haven’t communicated with you in a long time. Since they are not actively surfing, they will not see your retargeting strategies or the awareness campaigns you have set up for the early stages of the funnel. A “We’ve Missed You” initiative, in which you discuss the fact that the consumer has fallen off and give them an opportunity to return, may be useful here.


Arslan Dawood - Founder / Digital Marketing Consultant

Arslan Dawood offers a sparkling track record in devising Digital marketing Strategies that have crystallized brand from relative obscurity, building startup ventures, developing strategic partnerships, and growing profits in competitive markets.