Video Marketing Business

6 Major Types of Videos for Your Marketing Campaigns

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Sending out a paper advertisement to market your brand is a thing of the past. But what if I told you that merely putting written material on your landing page isn’t enough? Today, promoting your business requires more than just placing words on a page. According to Forbes, 65 percent of people learn visually. Although interesting blog articles have the potential to generate leads, integrating videos into your marketing efforts may speed up the process.

According to the latest study, video is 50 times more likely to receive organic page rank in Google than plain text. But it doesn’t mean that releasing a video with useless, fluffy material will get you to number one. So the main question is, what kinds of videos are useful for your marketing?

Here are six types of videos to include in your marketing campaign for each stage of the buyer’s journey.

Video Marketing Funnel
Image Courtesy: Wootage
At the Top of the Funnel:

A potential consumer becomes familiar with your firm throughout the initial stage of the buyer’s journey. They don’t know much about your company, so here is your time to make a good first impression. Help them with an issue, inform them about your values—anything that will entice them to your organization and make them hopeful about future interactions.

1) Brand Videos:

The objective of these videos should be to introduce yourselves to your viewers in some manner. Tell your audience about your brand’s history, promote your fundamental principles, and encourage them that your firm is special and worth their attention.

Animation is a wonderful method to separate your business video from others like it. Animation provides various opportunities to showcase your business in a unique way. It excites both the visual and emotional senses and puts the person in a pleasant mood.

You may even include a brand character with animation. Every day, your audience is exposed to more brand names than they can recall thanks to advertisements, product packaging, and shops. While it is possible for someone to forget a corporate name, they will have a lot easier time memorizing the face of a memorable figure.

2) Explainer Videos for Your Product:

The objective of explainer videos is to explain your product or services. These can range from giving useful hints to guiding the audience through activity or teaching them how to tackle a problem.

If your company provides a service or product that may be new for your customers then putting an explainer video on your website’s homepage or landing page could be a great help to inform your visitors about the product. These videos typically include animation and narration that describes what your company has to offer the viewer.

Another advantage of explainer videos is that they do not advertise your product or service directly. Instead, they give helpful information to your audience while also introducing them to your business.

Your audience will come to perceive your firm as a trustworthy resource and, ideally, as a trusted provider of products and/or services in the future.

At the Middle of the Funnel:

The mid of the funnel is the stage of the buying journey when you should maximize your current customer relationships. The idea is to gradually push them toward purchasing a product or booking service without being too pushy.

3) Customer Testimonials Videos:

Product review videos are an opportunity for your business to put its money where its mouth is. Nothing advertises a product or service more effectively than showing it in action and emphasizing its benefits. Such testimonials videos are ideal for moving customers from the preparation stage of the purchasing process to the purchase stage.

If someone is comparing items from you and a rival and you have wonderful client testimonials, they are more inclined to select you. This is excellent for gaining the trust of your consumers as most of the businesses just hammering their promotional messages to the customers and begging for their money, However, with these videos, they will appreciate the fact that you care enough about them to recommend products from which you would not any sort of benefits.

4) Corporate Culture Videos:

Customers value excellent things, but they value good items that originate from good locations much more. According to a recent case study, companies that trigger a higher level of emotional energy obtain three times the amount of word-of-mouth marketing as brands that generate a lower level of emotional intensity. Using video to show the world the faces behind your company allows people to relate to and establish a personal connection with your brand.

Company culture videos personalize your brand, and if viewers love them, you’re more likely to attract brand supporters who will gladly promote your message. These videos can contain anything from a tour of the workplace to a staff interview, a corporate trip, or anything else that highlights the unique dynamic of your company.

5) Event Videos:

Posting videos of your events is a fantastic way to share the joy of the occasion with people who couldn’t attend. Social media networks enable you to promote your event in a number of ways. Facebook Live allows you to broadcast the full of your event to anybody who visits your Facebook page in real-time. Using Instagram and Snapchat stories allows you to post short chunks of content, with the option of adding stickers, filters, and geotags

People are drawn to these live broadcasts for the same reason we constantly check social media for family, friends, and news updates. We know that if we stop watching a Facebook Live video halfway through, we could lose out on something great later on. This is why, according to Facebook, live streaming receives ten times the engagement of ordinary videos.

Bottom of the Funnel:

Your buyer has progressed to the end of the funnel, and you have converted a lead into a client. But now is not the time to leave the consumer you’ve fought so hard to gain. Keep them in-loop with your company.

6) Webinars & Q/A Sessions:

Attracting someone’s attention requires more than just written words on a blog page. Webinars, on the other hand, are sufficient. Webinars allow you to get into detail about issues without worrying about your reader’s eyes wandering away from your page’s sea of big text. Creating weekly or monthly vlogs on a variety of subjects might gain you a committed audience and ready to hear the next part.

Ready to get started on your first company video? Check out our Video Production Services. If you enjoy what you see, please send us an online message to learn more about our all-inclusive video marketing packages for small businesses.


Arslan Dawood - Founder / Digital Marketing Consultant

Arslan Dawood offers a sparkling track record in devising Digital marketing Strategies that have crystallized brand from relative obscurity, building startup ventures, developing strategic partnerships, and growing profits in competitive markets.